We are thrilled to offer an exciting Workshop Series this Fall that will immerse performers into the physical and vocal practices developed and practiced by Artistic Directors Joseph and Zhenya Lavy through their 25-year investigation of performance craft.
Embodying the Impulse: The Physical & Vocal Soul of the Engaged Performer

APL’s physical training incorporates not only codified exercises but also carefully developed games to enhance performer embodiment and engagement. | Joseph Lavy – The Stick Game | Photo: Zhenya Lavy
Learn how to develop your physical and vocal self as an artist and to gain a broader vision for what that might mean. In line with our Central and Eastern European artistic heritage, we emphasize process over prescription. APL methodologies open up a new means for tapping into artistic potentiality and move the participant toward a single fundamental objective: Living Impulses shaped by Deliberate Form piloted by an Engaged Mind.
- Embodying the Impulse: Spontaneity/Precision ~ Oct 18-19, 8:00 am – 12:00 pm
Led by Joseph Lavy, with support from the entire Company - Embodying the Impulse: Voice ~ Nov 8-9, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Led by Zhenya Lavy, with support from the entire Company
Take one or both. See our SPECIAL DISCOUNT OFFER when you register for both before Oct 15!