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Crime + Punishment: A Psychological Account of a Certain Crime | Nov 30-Dec 2 OH, Jan 5-13 WA

Watch-Teaser-Video-230X25Venture into the lower depths of 19th-century St. Petersburg, where the mysteries of the Russian soul and intellect, crime and love are deeply, irrevocably entwined as we reveal the mind of a killer in his search for meaning and redemption.

It begins with a theory that very great men have a right to do very bad things if doing so allows them to bring greater benefit to humanity.

Crime + Punishment follows the fortunes of Raskolnikov, the debt-ridden and disillusioned university drop-out who devises this theory … then acts upon it. After robbing and murdering a pawnbroker he’s dehumanized as “parasite,” Raskolnikov descends into a guilt-ridden fever dream where he is plagued by the ghosts of his crime and conscience.

Bold dramaturgy, rigorous physicality, and a rich musical soundscape of Russian sacred chant and traditional folk song combine for a production epitomizing APL’s aesthetic: minimalistic and low-tech, yet full of inventive stagecraft and theatrical magic. Live music includes the otherworldly a cappella vocal harmonies for which APL has twice received Gypsy Award nominations from Seattle’s theatre critics, as well as the distinctive sound of a hurdy-gurdy. The result is a singularly theatrical translation of Dostoevsky’s classic psychological novel of alienation, duality, morality, transgression, and justice.


  • Tyler J. Polumsky – Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov
  • Emily Jo Testa – Alyona Ivanovna, Pulkheria Raskolnikova
  • Annie Paladino – Lizaveta, Avdotya Romanovna Raskolnikova
  • Sara Kaus – Sonya Marmeladova
  • Joseph Lavy – Marmeladov, Svidrigailov
  • Zhenya Lavy – Katerina Ivanovna Marmeladova, Hurdy Gurdist
  • Matt Sherrill – Dmitri Prokofych Razumikhin
  • Jennifer Crooks – Porfiry Petrovich

Production Team

  • Director + Playwright – Joseph Lavy
  • Music Director – Zhenya Lavy
  • Set + Lighting Designer – Kix
  • Costume Designer – Fantasia Rose
  • Videographer + Tour Manager – Margaretta Campagna

Catch One of These Shows

Akron OH – World Premiere Action Button - Buy Tickets for Akron OH Shows Nov 30 - Dec 2

  • Nov 30 – Dec 2, 2017, 7:30 PM
  • The Balch Street Theatre, 220 S. Balch Street, Akron OH 44302

Seattle WA – Regional Premiere Action Button - Buy Tickets for Akron OH Shows Nov 30 - Dec 2

  • Jan 5 – 13, 2018 | 7:30 PM Thu-Sat, 2:00 PM Sun
  • West of Lenin, 203 N 36th St, Seattle, WA 98103

TeenTix: This is a TeenTix-eligible event! Follow the regular TeenTix instructions to get your $5 tickets.

Running Time: Approx. 3 hours, with 1 intermission.
Note: This show contains 2 gunshots and simulated violence

Further Exploration

Watch the Teaser Video
Why this show features a hurdy gurdy
Why a troubling, 150-year-old novel still resonates


This project is supported, in part, by a grant from 4Culture.

4Culture LogoWest of Lenin Logo





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